Atelier News #1: “Welcome, fools, to our world”

On Sunday, 14 October 2012 in Ljubljana, the Opening Ceremony of the 5th Atelier for Young Festival Managers was held at the enchanting Ljubljana Castle in the presence of the Mayor of Ljubljana, Zoran Jankovic, the Director of the British Council Slovenia, James Hampson, and the Director Arts of the British Council London, Graham Sheffield. 32 enthusiastic participants from 21 countries were welcomed by Darko Brlek, President of the European Festivals Association (EFA) and Artistic and General Director of the Ljubljana Festival, as well as by Kathrin Deventer, EFA Secretary General. Internationally renowned Australian festival director Robyn Archer held an inspiring keynote speech paving the way for the intense 7-day training programme. “The list of lecturers shows what a high-level training the Atelier is: we can look forward to a great transfer of knowledge within the next seven days”, underlined Darko Brlek. “The Atelier is all about sharing, honesty and energy: start with yourself, but see yourself as part of the whole,” agreed Kathrin Deventer. Robyn Archer delivered an outstanding keynote speech on the importance of festivals in today’s world and the responsibility this implies for artistic directors. She regards the young festival managers as her peers: “As mentors and presenters I know we will get at least as much out of the participants as they may get out of us in the coming week It should be understood at the outset that there are very few differences between us as mentors and you as participants, except perhaps in terms of experience. We are all participants in the Atelier.” This has been very well noticed by Gemma Connell, British participant, who wrote in her dedicated blog: “Each speaker made us participants feel very special for being here. It’s as if we’re not just the next generation of Festival Managers; we’re already a significant amount of the way there, and these esteemed Festival Directors think of us as colleagues. As Robyn Archer put it; Welcome, fools, to our world.” Atelier participants and presenters, partners, cultural and press representatives present at the Opening Ceremony were then invited to a dinner reception, where they had the opportunity to break the ice and meet each other while enjoying Slovenian cuisine. Monday, 15 October, is the first working day for participants of the Atelier LJUBLJANA 2012. It includes working sessions with presenters Robyn Archer, Hugo De Greef, Nele Hertling, Michal Merczynski, and Fruzsina Szép, taking place at the Ljubljana Festival Office, Krizanke, and the Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet. For further information please visit the Atelier website or contact EFA at First impressions can be found at the Atelier Photo Gallery. Related news and links: • Atelier News #7: "Once an Atelier, always an Atelier"Atelier News #6: in-depth discussions of the essentials of the previous daysAtelier News #5: Cultural visits, press conference, book launch, boat trip and moreAtelier News #4: "Mutual inspiration in an ideas arena"Atelier News #3: “Bouncing ideas and streams of creations”Atelier News #2: Festivals in unusual contexts – a lot of food for thoughtAtelier News #1: “Welcome, fools, to our world”Daily blog by participant Gemma Connell (UK)Robyn Archer opens Atelier LJUBLJANA 2012: “We are all participants“Atelier for Young Festival Managers LJUBLJANA 2011 starts today: Follow online!Public invited to opening of Atelier LJUBLJANA 2012 with Robyn ArcherAtelier LJUBLJANA 2012: intense exclusive training and high-level public events