Apply now for the Festival Production Management Training 2019

Apply now for the Festival Production Management Training 2019

Opening of the call for application for Edition 2019 of the Festival Production Management Training! Apply here before 31 March 2018!

This three-module programme addresses early career production managers from all over the world and focuses especially on production management in terms of realising and implementing the vision of the artistic director. The training is set up as a long-term programme spread over a period of one or more year(s), which explores all phases and challenges of producing an artistic work. 

It is not only a great occasion to meet colleagues from all over the world or to explore the cultural scene of Antwerp/ Belgium, but most importantly, it is an opportunity to spend 4 intense days together, guided by experienced professionals, to learn from and exchange with each other during in depth presentations and discussions about the topics that concern you in your development and work as a festival production manager. 

For Module I of this fourth edition, The Festival Academy continues its collaboration with deSingel International Arts Campus. This arts site for theatre, dance, music and architecture is meant for a broad art-loving audience. It is both a place for the contemporary, critical and interdisciplinary canon and for artistic creation, new trends and insights.

 "You're left with a feeling of gratitude, a feeling of connection to what you do and want to achieve." Frans Robert, Participant Module I of the Festival Production Management Training 2018

Follow this link if you want to read more about the previous edition participants' feedback.