Training opportunities 2018: ten days left to apply!

Training opportunities 2018: ten days left to apply!

Young festival and production managers from across the globe are invited to apply by 15 September for the following unique opportunities of training and cultural exchange:

To find out what the training programmes are all about, have a look at the Aftermovie of the Atelier for Young Festival Managers Budapest 2016 or read the round-up of Module I of the Festival Production Management Training 2017. 

Get inspired by our participants: “The Atelier connects you with bright people from around the world. Professionals with their own failures and successes from whom one can learn a lot. It creates a network of doers, the ones that can influence your way of thinking and broaden your perspectives. If you seek to shape-up a concept, bounce ideas, engage in new projects or get some help on any “why?” question  – the Atelier offers this and so much more.” Martin Kadinov, Atelier Beirut 2015

More information on past & future activities of The Festival Academy can be found on the website and of course, don't hesitate to contact The Festival Academy team on