Atelier News #7 - The last day is the first day of a new network

"After an elegant reception at the Art Gallery, Rumen Serafimov, Director of Varna Summer International Music Festival, and Kathrin Deventer, Secretary General EFA, welcomed all guests and presented the Art Gallery's history. Hugo De Greef opened the concluding panel discussion and asked all participants to share their impressions on the European Atelier of Young Festival Managers. The participants' speeches showed their satisfaction and gratitude for the way in which the Atelier was conducted. Some suggestions for future Ateliers were exchanged with present presenters and mentors. The discussion was enriched by a jazz performance by prominent jazz musicians from Varna. Towards the end of this last session, the certificates for participation were given to the participants and final group picture was taken. The evening concluded with a farewell dinner at a restaurant on a boat by the seaside. Contacts were exchanged and plans for future meetings were made - the Atelier had presented the participants not only with opportunities to learn from the best, but also to create their own networks. It was a very successful week with a friendly and pleasant atmosphere." Varna, 2 May 2009 By Roumi Petrova, participant from Varna Summer International Music Festival Related news: • Atelier News #6 - More highlights: Robyn Archer and Jonathan Mills at the AtelierAtelier News #5 - Intense work combined with Bulgarian arts and culinary enjoyment Atelier News #4 - In-depth discussions and exchanges at the European AtelierAtelier News #3 - “We are led by the artists we choose to serve”Atelier News #2 - At the crossroads of cultures: the participants of the European AtelierAtelier News #1 - A dynamic start of the European Atelier for Young Festival Managers 2009 For further information please visit the Atelier website or contact EFA at More photos at the Photo Gallery!