Mentors & guest speakers

+300 mentors/presenters have allowed insights into their careers
Mentors and guest speakers at the training programmes are renowned festival directors, cultural activists and artists, as well as people working in different fields of action such as the political, social, humanitarian and technological. Mentors are present throughout, not only as lecturers but fully engaged in (one-on-one) conversations and guidance of the participants. International and regional guest speakers are invited to add extra insights and perspectives on different topics.
Mentors and guest speakers all allow participants an honest and open insight into their careers including both success stories and failures. They share their motivation and explain their (artistic) choices in view of The Festival Academy’s mission.
Following the most recent Ateliers of 2023, our Experts network now includes 308 mentors & guest speakers coming from 103 countries and all continents.

Carolina Courbis Bascuñán, a participant in the Atelier Merano 2017:
"What I feel that what’s very valuable from the Atelier is: (...) The amazing pool of mentors that shared their experience with us. A group of real experts in their fields from a range of backgrounds, that were generous enough to tell us about their stories, ideas, achievements and failures, but overall that were genuinely open to have a horizontal conversation with us which in every single case, nurtured our idea of festivals."
Robyn Archer:
“As mentors and presenters I know we will get at least as much out of the participants as they may get out of us in the coming week. It should be understood at the outset that there are very few differences between us as mentors and you as participants, except perhaps in terms of experience. We are all participants in the Atelier.”
Pool of Festival Experts
- Adam Potrykus, Co-Founder and Co-Director at Stockholm Fringe Festival and Nordic Fringe Network - Sweden
- Agnes Havas, Director Armel Opera Festival - Hungary
- Aguibou Bougobali Sanou - Dancer, choreographer, musician, storyteller, and Director of the In-Out Dance Festival – Burkina Faso/Unites States
- Ahmed El Attar, Founder and General Manager of Orient Productions, Founder and Artistic Director of The Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival (D-CAF), Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters of the French Ministry of Culture - Egypt
- Airan Berg, Artistic Director and Theatre Maker - Festival der Regionen in Upper Austria - Austria
- Alain Weber, Artistic Director Fez Sacred Music Festival - Morocco
- Alvin Starks – Director Equality Team, Open Society Foundations – United States of America
- Amy Cassello - Interim Artistic Director BAM – United States
- Andrea Caruso Saturnino, Director Cena Aberta, São Paulo - Brazil
- André Dudemaine, Cultural leader, co-founder and director of cultural activities at Terres en Vues/Land InSights – Innu Nation/Mashteuiatsh Community/Canada
- Andy Fryers, Sustainability Director of Hay Festival - United Kingdom/South America
- Angele Galea, Artistic Consultant of Science in the City - Malta
- Anna Gallagher-Ross, Associate Artistic Director and Curator at Fusebox - United States of America
- Anna Mülter, Artistic Director of Festival Theaterformen - Germany
- Anna Pohribna, Deputy director for programs of Mystetskyi Arsenal National Art and Culture Museum Complex – Ukraine
- Annet Lekkerkerker, Managing Director Holland Festival - Netherlands
- Artur Mendes, Arts Manager at BOOM Festival - Portugal
- Asiimwe Deborah Kawe, Director of Tebere Arts Foundation, Producer & Co-Curator of the Kampala International Theatre Festival, Sundance Institute Theatre Program Associate - East Africa
- Atje Drexler, Senior Vice President international cooperation and understanding at the Robert Bosch Stiftung – Germany
- Bernard Faivre d’Arcier, President Lyon Biennial - France
- Biljana Tanurovska-Kjulavkovski, Co-Curator Lokomotiva Festival for contemporary art and performance in Skopje - Macedonia
- Brahim El Mazned – Founding Director Visa For Music, Artistic Director Timitar Festival of World Music – Morocco
- Brenda Uphopho, Co-Founder & Festival Producer of Lagos Fringe, Founder of Women in the Arts - Nigeria
- Sir Brian McMaster, former Director of Edinburgh International Festival - United Kingdom
- Bryn Herdrich, Producing Director in Under the Radar - United States
- Camilla Colombo, Co-Founder Ohme - Belgium
- Carla van Zon, former Artistic Director of Auckland Arts Festival - New Zealand
- Carmen Romero Quero, Executive Director Teatro a Mil Foundation - Chile
- Carole U. Karemera, Artistic Director of Ishyo Arts Centre - Rwanda
- Catherine J. Wang, President of the Centre for China Shanghai International Arts Festival - China
- Cecilia Kuska, Co-Curator at PROXIMAMENTE Festival and Santiago a Mil Festival - Argentina/United Kingdom
- Celestine Kubelka, Production Manager Wiener Festwochen - Austria
- Chiaki Soma, Representative Director of Arts Commons Tokyo - Japan
- Ching-Lee Goh, Executive and Artistic Director CultureLink Singapore - Singapore
- Clare Newman, President, Trust for Governors Island - United States
- Cristina Fuentes La Roche, International Director Hay Festival - United Kingdom/South America
- Danjel Andersson, Artistic and General Director MDT - Sweden
- Darko Brlek, Artistic and General Director Ljubljana Festival - Slovenia
- Darya Bassel, Producer, head of industry of Docudays UA – Ukraine
- David Lavoie, Managing director Festival TransAmériques – Canada
- Dena Davida, Co-Founder Festival International de Nouvelle Danse and the Tangente dance performance space, Co-Creator and Managing Editor of Turba: The Journal for Global Practices in Live Arts Curation - Canada
- Diego Aparicio, Founder and artistic director of Queer Wave: the Cyprus LGBTQIA+ film festival – Cyprus
- Dora Palma, Sustainability Manager at Rock in Rio – Portugal/Brazil
- Dorottya Bauer, Virens Events (Sziget Festival) - Germany
- Eckhard Thiemann, Artistic Director of Shubbak - United Kingdom
- Elad Schechter, Dancer and Choreographer, Founder of Agrippas to Jaffa Festival - Jerusalem
- Elisabeth Knauf, Production Manager Hebbel am Ufer - Germany
- Elizabeth Moreau, Associate Vice President and Senior Producer BAM – United States
- Ellada Evangelou, Cofounder Rooftop Theatre, Leadership Circle of the IMPACT project, Cyprus
- Eva Neklyaeva, former Artistic Director Santarcangelo Festival, Director Checkpoint Helsinki, Baltic Circle International Contemporary Theatre Festival - Belarus
- Fanny Martin, Creative Director Art of Festivals - Canada
- Faisal Kiwewa, Artistic Director Bayimba Foundation - Uganda
- Felwine Sarr, Humanist, philosopher, economist and musician – Duke University – United States of America/Senegal
- Fergus Linehan, Director and Chief Executive of the Edinburgh International Festival - United Kingdom
- Frosyni Trousa, Artistic Director ARC for DANCE Festival – Greece
- Fruzsina Szép, Festival Director Berlin Festival and Lollapalooza Berlin Hörstmann Unternehmensgruppe HUG - Germany
- Gabi Gonçalves, Creator and Coordinator of Corpo Rastreado, Risco Festival and FarOFFA - Brazil
- Gavin Henderson, Artistic Director Dartington International Summer School - United Kingdom
- Gerard Mortier (†2014), former General Director Teatro Real de Madrid - Spain
- Gerardo Salinas, Artist and Curator, Member of KVS Artistic Direction Team, Playwright and Co-Founder of the PROXIMAMENTE platform - Belgium/Latin America
- Grace Lang, Programme Director Hong Kong Festival - China
- Grayson Wambach, Creator/Producer - United States of America
- Gundega Laivina, Artistic Director New Theatre Institute of Latvia - Latvia
- Gunjan Arya, CEO Only Much Louder, NH7 Weekender Festival - India
- Guy Coolen, Artistic and General Director Muziektheater Transparant and Artistic Director Operadagen Rotterdam – Belgium/Netherlands
- Guy Weizman, Artistic Director and Choreographer at Noord Nederlands Toneel, Club Guy & Roni and NITE - Israel/Netherlands
- Han van Poucke, Head of Production Holland Festival - Netherlands
- Heiner Goebbels, Artistic Director Ruhrtriennale - Germany
- Hendrik Storme, General and Artistic Director at deSingel - Belgium
- Horacio Pérez, Curator, creative producer, cultural manager, and artist – Chile
- Hugo De Greef, former Coordinator of the Atelier for Young Festival Managers, Co-founder of The Festival Academy and former EFA Secretary General - Belgium
- Iman Aoun, Artistic Director of ASHTAR Theatre (Actress, Director, Producer) - Palestine
- Isabel Lagos, Artistic Director at Gothenburg Fringe Festival - United Kingdom/Sweden
- Jacob Boehme, Multi-disciplinary theatre maker, choreographer and artistic director, founding creative director of Yirramboi Festival – Narangga and Kaurna Nations/Australia
- Jan Ove Hafstad, Director at Sweden Festivals - Sweden
- Jessica Cortez, Theater artist, educator and director of Programming at The People's Creative Institute – United States
- Jessie Mill, Artistic director of Festival TransAmériques – Canada
- Jeff Kahn, Performance Space Sydney - Australia
- Jelle Dierickx, Director Festival van Vlaanderen Mechelen/Lunalia - Belgium/Germany
- Jerry Aerts, General Manager and Artistic Director deSingel International Arts Campus - Belgium
- Jinghui Meng, Artistic Director Beijing Fringe Festival, WuZhen Theatre Festival, Beijing Bee Hive Theatre - China
- Joe Sidek, Director of George Town Festival - Malaysia
- Jonathan Holloway – International speaker, writer, coach and consultant, Artistic Associate of the Charleston Gaillard Center, Former Artistic Director Melbourne and Perth International Arts Festivals, Former Creator and Creative Director Elemental France, Former Director of the Watch This Space Festival – Global
- Sir Jonathan Mills, Programme Director of Edinburgh International Festival - United Kingdom
- Jörg Vorhaben, Board Member of ITI, Chief Dramaturge and Festival Manager at Staatstheater Mainz – German
- Joseph V. Melillo, Artistic Director Brooklyn Academy of Music New York - United States of America
- Joyce Rosario, Independent Curator/Producer - Canada
- Juli Consigli, Founder of the Festival Internacional de Música Electroacústica and Virtuoso Records - Argentina
- Julia Gause, Sustainability Consultant of Fuchsbau Festival - Germany
- Jurriaan Cooiman, Founder and Director of CULTURESCAPES - Switzerland
- Kai Amberla, Executive Director at Finland Festival - Finland
- Kalle Karlsson, Integration Festival Gothenburg - Sweden
- Kate Craddock, Founder and Festival Director of GIFT: Gateshead International Festival of Theatre - United Kingdom
- Katrijn De Wit, Coordinator Press & Audience Development deSingel - Belgium
- Kee Hong Low, Creative Director Manchester International Festival - United Kingdom
- Keitu Gwangwa, Head Windybrow Arts Centre - South Africa
- Kelly Diapouli, Artistic Director Capital of Culture Eleusis 2021 - Greece
- Kyu Choi, Co-founder and Member of Steering Committee at Asia Producers’ Platform and APP Camp - South Korea
- Lea Perekrests, Deputy director for operations Europe and MENA Region, Institute for Economics and Peace – Belgium
- Leisa Shelton, Performance artist, teacher + curator with a practice that foregrounds collaboration and an advocacy for new Australian trans-disciplinary work – Australia
- Lina Attel, Founder, Director General of The National Center for Culture and Performing Arts, Jordan
- Luiz Coradazzi, Cultural Consultant, Founder Pangea Cultura and former Director Arts British Council Brazil - Brazil
- Malin Schiller, Project Manager and Producer at Gothenburg Dance and Theatre Festival - Sweden
- Mandisi Sindo, Theatre4Change Arts Project - South Africa
- Mantse Aryeequaye, Co-director Chale Wote Festival – Ghana
- Marie-Agnès Sevestre, former Director at Festival des Francophonies, Writer at Théâtre du blog - France
- Marie-Hélène Falcon, former Director Festival TransAmériques Montréal - Canada
- Mark Ball, Associate Artistic Director of Manchester International Festival (MIF) - United Kingdom
- Mark Russell, Founder and Co-Director Festival Under the Radar - USA
- Marsha Reid, Executive director at Kindred Arts. curator and public programs director at Monumental Tour - United States of America
- Martin Honzik, Head and Managing Director at Ars Electronica Festival - Austria
- Martine Dennewald, Artistic director of Festival TransAmériques – Canada
- Matteo Penazzi, Director and Violinist at Lugo Music Festival - Italy
- Mauricio Lomelin, Producer of Contemporary Programming at Lincoln Center - United States of America
- Meera Dugal - Co-Founder and Artistic Director, Habibi festival & Program Associate for Arts and Culture, Mellon Foundation and - United States
- Michael Sheldrick, Co-Founder and Chief Policy, Impact and Government Relations Officer at anti-poverty organisation Global Citizen – Australia
- Michail Marmarinos, Artistic Director 2023 ELEVSIS European Capital of Culture
- Michał Merczyński, Director Malta Festival Poznan, Nostalgia Festival Poznan - Poland
- Mike Van Graan, Playwright and project manager at Sustaining Theatre and Dance Foundation (STAND) - South Africa
- Mira El Mawla, MENA lead program manager at Build Up – Lebanon
- Mwandwe Chileshe, Global Policy Lead for Food Security and Agriculture at Global Citizen - Zambia
- Nadia Sokolenko, Performing Arts Programme Manager at Ukrainian Institute – Ukraine
- Natália Jakab - Head of the Arts for Rural Development Foundation and director of Valley of Arts Festival – Hungary/Ukraine
- Natália Machiavelli, Initiator and Director of MIT+ at MITsp - São Paulo International Theatre Festival – Brazil
- Nayse Lopez, Artistic director of the international platform Panorama Raft – Brazil
- Nevenka Koprivsek, Artistic Director Mladi Levi Festival - Slovenia
- Nick Rongjun Yu, Chief Director of ACT Shanghai International Theatre Festival – China
- Nicolas Klimis, Founder Ohme - Belgium
- Norman Armour, Executive Director PuSH International Performing Arts Festival Vancouver – Canada
- Ophelia Huang, Director of International Affairs in Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center (SDAC) and Programme Director of ACT Shanghai International Theatre Festival - China
- Orwa Nyrabia, Artistic Director International Documentary Festival Amsterdam – Netherlands/Syria
- Pedro de Freitas, Director at Périplo, creator of FarOFFA - Brazil
- Quito Tembe, Artistic director of the international platform for contemporary dance performing arts organisation Kinani – Mozambique
- Rania Elias, Director Yabous Cultural Centre and Jerusalem Festival - Palestine
- Rania Kamhawi, Director and creative producer Amman Contemporary Dance Festival, Jordan
- Rashmi Dhanwani, Arts Consultant, Curator, Creative Producer, Founder of The Art X Company - India
- Renato Quaglia, General Director at the Foundation Foqus, Former Managing Director of the Venice Biennale - Italy
- Ricardo Peach, Director Vrystaat Kunstefees/Arts Festival/Tsa-Botjhaba - South Africa
- Roberto Naccari, General Manager Santarcangelo Festival - Italy
- Rose Fenton, Co-Founder and Former Director LIFT Festival, Former Director of Free Word - United Kingdom
- Rosette Nteyafas – Creative Producer, Line Producer of Kampala International Theater Festival and Tebere Arts Foundation – Uganda
- Roy Luxford, Programme Director Edinburgh International Festival - United Kingdom
- Rucera Seethal, Artistic Director of National Arts Festival Grahamstown - South Africa
- Ruth Mackenzie CBE, Artistic Director Théâtre du Châtelet - France
- Samantha Nampuntha, Event producer, PR and Communications Expert - Malawi
- Sami Pyne - Producing Director, ArKtype – United States
- Sarah Nsigaye – Director Celebrating Womanhood Festival – Uganda
- Seok Kyu Choi, Co-Founder, Member of Steering Committee at Asia Producers’ Platform, APP Camp - South Korea
- Seonghee Kim, Artistic Director of Asia Culture Center Theatre - South Korea
- Sepehr Sharifzadeh, Artistic Director of NH Theatre agency – Iran
- Siphiwe Ngwenya, Curator & Founder The Maboneng Township Arts Experience - South Africa
- Stefan Schmidtke, Artistic Director at Theater der Welt - Germany
- Sylvain Vollant, Former general manager of Festival Innu Nikamu – Innu Nation/Mani-Utenam Community/Canada
- Tamar Brüggemann, Managing Director WoNDeRFeel - Netherlands
- Teesa Bahana, Director of 32° East Ugandan Arts Trust – Uganda
- Thobile Maphanga, Durban-based dance practitioner, writer, creative collaborator, and emerging festival curator, curatorial mentee for JOMBA! Contemporary Dance Experience - South Africa
- Thom Loubet, Executive Director at The People's Creative Institute – United States
- Thomas O. Kriegsmann - President, ArKtype – United States
- Tisa Ho, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Arts Festival - Hong Kong
- Tobias Kokkelmans, Festival dramaturgy and artistic policy coordinator of Operadagen Rotterdam - Netherlands
- Tom Stromberg, Former Director Impulse Festival - Germany
- Trésor Nzengu Mpauni, Founder and Director at Lumaini Letu Festival - Malawi
- Truls Sanaker, Managing Director at Norway Festivals - Norway
- Tzvetelina Iossifova, Director of Red House for Culture and Debate - Bulgaria
- Valentina Corona, Director of Playwave - Australia
- Victoria Leshchenko, Programme director of DocuDays UA, the Ukrainian international human rights film festival – Ukraine
- Vigdís Jakobsdóttir, Artistic Director and CEO Reykjavik Arts Festival - Iceland
- Vincent de Repentigny, Artistic and General Director of the OFFTA - Canada
- Wai-Lap Kwong, Programme Director Guangdong Modern Dance Festival - China
- Yazmany Arboleda, People's Artist for New York City at the Civic Engagement Commission, senior artistic advisor for Community Arts Network and founder of The People's Creative Institute – United States/Colombia
- Yolanda Markopoulou, Co-founder & Curator of Mind the Fact, line producer in major cultural institutions – Greece
- Yuan Zhang, Performing arts curator - China
- Yvette Hardie, ASSITEJ Director - South Africa
- Ahmed Tobasi, Artistic Director The Freedom Theatre - Palestine
- Arkadi Zaides, Artist/Choreographer - France/Israel
- Ashraf Atraqchi, Artist, Arts Critic, Curator - Iraq
- Asif Majid, Scholar, Artist and Educator - United Kingdom
- Benjamin Von Wong, Visual Engineer, Solution Consultant and Installation Artist for Change – Canada
- Bronwyn Lace, Animateur for the Centre for the Less Good Idea - South Africa
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Author, one of TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World (2015), one of Fortune Magazine's World’s 50 Greatest Leaders (2017), member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Nigeria/United States of America
- Claudia Billourou, Worldwide-active Stage Director, Set and Costume Designer, Creator and Director of the School of Art and Trades for the Contemporary Show of Theater of La Plata - Argentine
- Craig Peterson, President, LMCC - United States
- Danny Yung, Experimental art pioneer, influential artist, Founding member and Co-Artistic Director of Zuni Icosahedron - Hong Kong
- Dennis Redmoon Darkeem - Multimedia artist – United States
- Dijana Milošević, Theatre director DAH Theatre - Serbia
- Diya Naidu, Dancer, Choreographer and Repertory Member at Attakkalari - India
- Edima Otuokon – Co-Founder Ladima Foundation - Nigeria
- Emanuele Sinisi, Designer and Lecturer at School of Fine Arts of Turin and Venice - Italy
- Emily Johnson, Dancer, Choreographer - Yup'ik Nation (United States of America)
- Erifili Giannakopoulou, Opera singer/director/teacher, Greece
- Étienne Minoungou, Actor, performer, director and cultural entrepreneur – Burkina Fasso
- Euripides Laskaridis, Theatre director, filmmaker, choreographer and performer – Greece
- Fien Leysen, Writer, Theatermaker and Videographer - Belgium
- Galin Stoev, Founder Fingerprint Company - Belgium/Bulgaria
- Gebing Tian, Director, Founder and Artistic Director of Paper Tiger Theatre Studio - China
- Graham Sheffield, Director Art British Council London - United Kingdom
- Hajooj Kuka, Founder of Refugee Club and the director of Beats of the Antonov – Sudan
- Hamza Boulaiz, CEO and Artistic Director Spectacle Pour Tous – Morocco
- Hank Willis Thomas, Conceptual Artist – United States of America
- Hira Nabi, Filmmaker and multimedia artist - Pakistan
- Hongming Lin, Professor and Dean of the Art Management Department of Shanghai Conservatory of Music - China
- John Ashford, Director of Aerowaves, former director of The Place Theatre and the ICA Theatre, founding theatre editor of Time Out magazine - United Kingdom
- Juan Pablo López Otero - Artistic Director of the Cali International Dance Biennial - Colombia
- Juan Pablo Siles, Associate Curator and Producer, Trust for Governors Island - Bolivia / United States ACGI Production & Operations Manager, LMCC - United States
- Kasie Kirkland, ACGI Production & Operations Manager, LMCC - United States
- Kenneth Kimuli – Co-Founder Tebere Arts, Kampala International Theatre Festival – Uganda
- Khaled Harara, Hip-Hop Artist – Palestine
- Kirstin Hess, Dramaturge at D'haus Junges Schauspiel, Equity forum – Germany
- Lázaro Rodriguez, Actor and Director at Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol - Mexico
- Leila Heinriques, Director ‘Hani: The Legacy’ - South Africa
- Lemi Ponifasio, Artist and Founder of MAU – New Zealand
- Luiz Coradazzi – Arts manager and cultural strategist, global programming & content manager at Shared Studios, Former Artistic Director Advisor at Theatro Municipal de São Paulo – Brazil
- Malin Nagel, Head of Project, Dramaturge, Project and Production Manager at German Centre of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) - Germany
- Manu Siebens, Scenographer and Visual Artist - Belgium
- Marko Ciciliani, Composer, Audiovisual artist, Performer and Artistic Director at ChampdAction.LabO and TimeCanvas@DeSingel - Austria
- Mélanie Demers, Multidisciplinary artists, founder of MAYDAY dance company, choreographer – Canada
- Mety Panagiotopoulou, Performing arts researcher and practitioner - Greece
- Michiel Vandevelde – Performing Arts Programmer at deSingel, Choreographer – Belgium
- Nima Dehghani, Transdisciplinary Artist - United States/Iran
- Omar Abi Azar, Theatre Director, Founding Member of Zoukak Theatre Company - Lebanon
- Ong Keng Sen (PhD), Artistic Director TheatreWorks and Artspace 72-13 Singapore, founder Arts Network Asia and the International Curators Academy - Singapore
- Pedro Affonso Ivo Franco, International consultant for culture, arts and creative economy - Brazil
- Raegan Truax, Artist, Scholar, Untimely Body - United States
- Robyn Archer, Singer, writer, artistic director and public advocate for the arts, former Artistic Director of the Adelaide and Melbourne International Arts Festivals - Australia
- Roselle Pineda, Curator, dramaturge, educator, scholar, community worker, artist-activist, founder and artistic director of Aurora Artist Residency Program and Space (AARPS) and Performance Curators Initiatives (PCI) - Philippines
- Shahidul Alam, writer and human rights activist, initiator of Chobi Mela International Photography Festival - Bangladesh
- Shamisa Debroey, Producer, lllustrator and Comic artist at deSingel - Belgium
- Shannon Litzenberger, Performer, Choreographer, Director, Embodiment Facilitator, Community Builder, Leadership Developer, Advocate, Change-maker – Canada
- Sharon Cooper – Sponsorship and Business Development Head for Active Imagination, Representative AFROPUNK LTD, CTEMF and the Soweto Wine & Lifestyle Festival – South Africa
- Tania El Khoury, Distinguished Artist in Residence of Theater and Performance and Director of Center for Human Rights & The Arts at Bard College, New York – Lebanon/United States of America
- Tom Creed, Opera & Theatre Director - United Kingdom
- Thomas Engel, Director at German Centre of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) - Germany
- Thuthukani Ndlovu, Festival Assistant and Spoken Words Artist at Free State Literature Festival - Zimbabwe/South Africa
- Wilfried Schulz, Intendant at Schauspiel Düsseldorf - Germany
- William Kentridge, Craftsman, performer and filmmaker at the Centre for the Less Good Idea - South Africa
- Yafa Goawily, Creative Director at yafa arts & Crafts - Canada
Experts from other fields of action
Foundations, policy-making, science, social movements, education, digital and new technologies etc.
- Ana Carla Fonseca Reis, Economist and Director of Garimpo de Soluções – Brazil
- Alex Diaz Loo, English professor, researcher and women's’ and LGBTQI+ activist - Peru
- Alina Ivan, Producer and Researcher in Psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King's College London - United Kingdom
- Angeliki Lampiri, Director of Cultural Strategy at Eleusis 2021 - Greece
- Angharad Wynne-Jones, Head of Creative Engagement at Arts Centre Melbourne – Australia
- Anthony Richter, Director Special Initiatives Open Society Foundations New York - United States of America
- Arundhati Gosh, Executive Director India Foundation for the Arts - India
- Aubrey Bergauer, CEO and Designer of "The Long Haul Model" _ United States
- Barbara Filion, Programme Officer for Culture with the Canadian Commission for UNESCO – Canada
- Basma El Husseiny, Director at Action for Hope - Egypt
- Benn Wiebe, Executive Producer of HF Productions, Climate Reality Leader, Board Advisor of SIE Society, Advisory Committee member of Center for the Digital Future on the Expansion & implementation of GDKP, governance team member of UN Environment's Playing for the Planet Alliance – North America, Australia, South-eastern Asia, European Union
- Beth Ponte, Arts Manager, Researcher and Independent Consultant - Brazil
- Beverley Ditsie, non-conforming lesbian activist, award-winning filmmaker and LGBTIQ+ rights advocate - South Africa
- Boitumelo Tumy Motsoatsoe, Head of Programmes at Business and Arts South Africa NPC (BASA) - South Africa
- Brett Pyper, Associate Professor and Head Wits School of Arts at the University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg - South Africa
- Prof. Brian Walker, CSIRO Honorary Fellow, Australian National University Visiting Professor, Fellow in the International Beijer Institute for Ecological Economics Sweden - Australia
- Dr. Bristow Tegan, Senior lecturer and director at Fak'ugesi Festival and Wits School of Arts, Digital Arts Department – South Africa
- Carmen Olaechea, Art Culture and Conflict Transformation, IMPACT Leadership Circle – Argentina
- Carole Gürtler, Head Department Levant, Drosos Foundation (Zurich) - Switzerland
- Cathrine Helland, Communication Manager International Cities of Refuge Network (ICORN) - Norway
- Chiara Badiali, Knowledge and Sector Intelligence Lead for Julie’s Bicycle – United Kingdom
- Chrisoula Plakioti, Art Therapist at AMAKA NGO - Greece
- Christine Van Winkle – Professor at the University of Manitoba and associate faculty member at Royal Roads University – Canada
- Christopher Crimes, Consultant/Advisor to [N!A] Project and Eleusis 2021 European Capital of Culture - France/Greece/United Kingdom
- Christos Carras, Executive Director Onassis Cultural Centre, Greece
- Courtney White, Lawyer at Davies Collison Cave Law - Australia
- Cynthia Schneider, Distinguished Professor in the Practice of Diplomacy; Co-Director Laboratory for Global Performance and Politics Georgetown University, Co-Director MOST Resource, Co-Director Timbuktu Renaissance, Former US Ambassador to the Netherlands - United States of America
- Darius Cuplinskas, Director of the Ideas Workshop at the Open Society Foundations – Lithuania/UK
- David Teevan, Festival Advisor Arts Council of Ireland - Ireland
- Dea Vidović, Director Kultura Nova - Croatia
- Dharam Saraviya, Vice-President at Brand Solutions, OML Entertainment – India
- Diana Collazos, Co-founder of elgalpon.espacio, cultural administrator, audiovisual producer, interdisciplinary artist – Peru
- Diane Ragsdale, Director of Cultural Leadership at Banff Centre for Arts & Creativity – Canada
- Edima Otuokon, Executive Director at Ladima Foundation – Nigeria
- Elizabeth Mbabazi – Program Officer Kuonyesha Arts Fund – Uganda
- Erica McCalman, Creative Producer and Consultant, Art Oracle - Australia
- Farooq Chaudhry, Producer at Akram Khan Company - United Kingdom
- Fine Stammnitz, Founder of Green Touring Network - Germany
- Florentine Muhry, Assistant Curator at Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen – Germany
- Dr. Gabriel Gauler, Director Goethe-Institut Cyprus – Germany/Cyprus
- Hjalmar Jorge Joffre-Eichhorn, Theatre activist, Co-Founder Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organisation, Theatre of the Oppressed and Playback Theatre - Germany/ Bolivia/Afghanistan
- Hooman Nassimi - Founder of Society in Motion and the New Faces toolkit - Netherlands
- Hortense Archambault, Director MC93 Maison de la Culture de la Seine Saint-Denis - France
- HOWEST, University of Applied Sciences on Digital Arts and Entertainment - Belgium
- Ismail Mahomed, former Chief Executive Officer of the Market Theatre Foundation - South Africa
- Jan Linder, Board Member and Head of programme at German Centre of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) and Stiftung Humboldt Forum - Germany
- Jessica Hagan – Program Lead Arts & Culture, Africa No Filter – Ghana
- Jesús Martinez, Writer, lecturer and LGBTQI+ researcher - France
- Joachim Lux, President at German Centre of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) and Director at Thalia Theater Hamburg - Germany
- John Speyer, Director of Music In Detention - United Kingdom
- Jonte Nynäs, Art Educator at Nordic Watercolour Museum - Sweden
- Judith Mair, Associate Professor and Discipline Leader of the Tourism Discipline Group in the University of Queensland Business School – Australia
- Karin Hansson, Coordinator ICORN - Sweden
- Keith Nurse (PhD), Principal/President Sir Arthur Lewis Community College Morne Fortune, St. Lucia and Unesco Expert - Caribbean
- Keren Zaiontz, Assistant Professor and Queen’s National Scholar in Creative Industries in the Global City in the Department of Film and Media and Cultural Studies Graduate Program – Canada
- Konstantinos Tzathas, Programming Research Coordinator ONASSIS Foundation - Greece
- Kumi Naidoo - Human rights and climate justice activist – South Africa
- Lavinia Iovino, Spokesperson for MockCOP 26 – A group of young people dedicated to creating a set of climate targets ahead of COP26 – Global
- Lilian (Lily) Hughes, Programme Manager for the Edinburgh International Culture Summit - United Kingdom
- Lily James Olds, Director of the TED Fellows program - United States
- Maria Efstathiou, Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre
- Maria José Cifuentes, Artistic and managing director of NAVE, Creation and Residency Center in Santiago – Chile
- Marie Bäckersten, Culture Strategist of Tjörn - Sweden
- Manon Muti, Peace and Justice Digital Security Training - Netherlands
- Marion Louisgrand Sylla – Founder and Director at Kër Thiossane – Senegal
- Marisa Henderson, Chief of the Creative Economy Programme in United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Palais des Nations - Switzerland
- Marta Keil, Curator, dramaturg and esearcher - Poland
- Matthias Theodor Vogt, Founding Director of Institut für Kulturelle Infrastruktur Sachsen - Germany
- Meera Krishnan, Senior Arts Manager at Prakriti Foundation - India
- Menaka Rodríguez, Head-Resource Mobilisation and Outreach at India Foundation for the Arts - India
- Mengtong Guan, Executive and Creative Director at Ping Pong Productions - China/United States
- Michèle Duvivier Pierre-Louis, Founder and president of Fondation Connaissance et Liberté/Fondasyon Konesans Ak Libète/Foundation for Knowledge and Liberty (FOKAL), former First Minister and Minister of Justice and Public Security of Haiti – Haiti
- Mike Van Graan, Playwright and Project Manager at Sustaining Theatre and Dance Foundation (STAND) – South Africa
- Mike Verledens, Owner of Sparklink - Belgium
- Moky Makura, Executive Director of Africa No Filter – South Africa
- Monica Urian, Programme Manager at European Commission - Belgium
- Monique Veaute, President Fondazione Romaeuropa - Arte e Cultura - Italy
- N’Goné Fall, General Commissioner of the Africa2020 Season - Senegal
- Nele Hertling, Member Strategy Group “A Soul for Europe” - Germany
- Ouafa Belgacem, CEO and Co-Founder of Culture Funding Watch - Tunisia
- Oussama Rifahi, Board member and Executive Director 2010 - 2016 Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC) - Germany/Lebanon
- Parvin Ardalan, Activits & Journalist - Iran
- Polly Gifford, Executive Director at Theatre Complicité and Anchor circle member of Culture Declares Emergency - United Kingdom
- Salim Rajabi, Program coordinator/Theatre of the Oppressed activist, Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization (AHRDO), representative of Peaceful Heart Network – Afghanistan
- Sarah Melin, Curator and Producer at Gothenburg Dance and Theatre Festival - Sweden
- Sascha Förster, Director at Theatermuseum Düsseldorf - Germany
- Serhan Ada, Professor Cultural policies and management, Cultural diversity, Art practice and criticism at Istanbul Bilgi University - Turkey
- Stefan Fischer-Fels, Vice-president and member of the Board of Assitej 2011-2021
- Steve Austen, Permanent Fellow Felix Meritis Foundation - Netherlands
- Stuart Green – Principal at Davies Collison Cave - Australia
- Susanna Seidl-Fox, Program director for culture and the arts Salzburg Global Seminar - Austria
- Suzette Pullinger, Trade Marks Attorney at Davies Collison Cave - Australia
- Taiwo Afolabi, Interdisciplinary artistic scholar - Nigeria/Canada
- Thimali Kodikara, Series Producer & Co-Host: Mothers Of Invention at DOC SOCIETY - United States
- Tutu Zondo, Film and Television Creator and Creative Director at Vogue Nights Jozi - South Africa
- Vallejo Gantner, Artistic Executive Director of the Onassis Foundation, chair at Hoovie – United States of America
- Dr. Vicensia Shule, Senior Culture Officer African Union – Tanzania
- Yusuf Mahmoud - CEO Busara Promotions, Director Sauti za Busara festival, Chairperson Music in Africa Foundation – Tanzania