deSingel International Arts Campus is an arts site for theatre, dance, music and architecture, meant for a broad art-loving audience. It is both a place for the contemporary, critical and interdisciplinary canon and for artistic creation, new trends and insights. Its large building provides space not only for presentation, but also for production and openness. As a contemporary and international-oriented arts campus, deSingel pays special attention to permanent arts education. deSingel is part of and operates within several international networks. Its production and coproduction partners include major festivals, production companies, concert halls, museums, companies and orchestras. It has a strong international position. Based in Antwerp, Belgium, this international arts center instigated many major international initiatives. In 1990, then Minister of Culture Patrick Dewael officially recognized deSingel as the leading international arts center in Flanders.
Jerry Aerts, director deSingel International Arts Campus
Already the third edition of this intensive training for young production managers by The Festival Academy at deSingel international arts campus. We strongly believe in the importance of life-long learning combining experience-sharing and practical activities. It is the core business of our campus, where the 'apprenti sorcier' meets the expert.

A port on the banks of the River Scheldt, Antwerp is the second-biggest city in Belgium with a population of about half a million people. The area is rich in theatres and cultural events. It is located in the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium, although many people also speak French, English and sometimes German. Due to its long and culturally rich history, the city of Antwerp houses many interesting historical buildings from different historical periods, as well as a lot of interesting museums. Recently it has become a trendy city, attracting a lot of Flemish and foreign artists, writers, intellectuals, and actors. This is reflected in the city's many trendy bars and shops. Antwerp is a city with many faces, very dynamic and offering a perfect mix of history and present-day modern life.