Selection Process

Selection Committee: The applications will be reviewed by the selection committee of ‘Theater der Welt 2026’, consisting of Stefan Schmidtke, Christoph Dittrich, Inge Ceustermans (the festival board of management)

Phases: The selection process will take place in phases. Step 1: 12 candidates will be shortlisted, followed by individual interviews. Step 2: final selection of 6 to 8 curators.


6 May 2024 - Official launch of call for applications

9 Jun 2024 - Deadline for applications

Jun/Jul 2024 - Evaluation of applications, selection process

Mid Sept 2024 - Announcement of final selection

End Sept 2024 - Kick-off with partners and curatorial team

Oct 2024 - Jun 2026 – Co-curation process, capacity building trainings including mentoring

Jun/Jul 2026 – ‘Theater der Welt 2026 Chemnitz’ festival