What do we offer?

Capacity Building:

We offer you a 2-year upskilling, networking, and mentoring process. A comprehensive capacity-building program that includes individual and collective guidance:

  • You will have an individual mentor of your own choice (proposed by The Festival Academy, Capital of Culture experts, or by your own) who you can meet on own demand, minimum 2 times a year in 1,5 hrs sessions
  • Tailor-made group coaching
  • Participation in online sessions and alumni meetings
  • Tailor-made programs to enhance your skills
  • In-person and online meetings with the curatorial team
  • Participation in 1 in-person activity of The Festival Academy (a Global Atelier, Festival Study Visit, Alumni Meeting or similar)
  • Group meetings in Chemnitz (visit of city of Chemnitz and the Theatres of Chemnitz)

International Mobility (travel, accommodation, visa costs):

- Travel costs to announced TFA activity, by invitation (with per diem)

- Travel costs to announced group meetings in Chemnitz, by invitation (with per diem)

- Travel costs in regions for research and scout work (a specific budget will be developed for each curator individually)


A fee for curatorial work (fees will be tailor-made individually, a conversation about this will be part of the selection process – a fair pay will be delivered taking into account the operations in the home country as well as when travelling internationally) Please note: This opportunity is a freelance and a task-based assignment with a fixed fee. No employment! No full-time job! Individual assessment based on individual profile and curatorial assignment to be decided together with the team.

Other benefits

Community Building - Strengthen your connections within a global festival community.

Upskilling - Sharpen your skills and gain hands-on experience in curation.

Innovative Curation - Experiment with new models of collective curation.

Strengthen your unique voice - Give a platform and visibility to artists from your region and boost international collaborations.

Global Storytelling - Showcase stories from a diversity of regions on an international stage.