“Young” in the Atelier’s title refers first of all to the festival managers being “young in the festival business”. The participants represented a broad diversity of cultural and professional backgrounds – from students in arts management, to young managers working for large established organisations, to emerging curators running their own innovative international festivals. They all share the desire to implement excellent artistic festivals.

The Atelier is all about the participants!
32 young festival makers from 20 different nationalities joined the Atelier Valetta this year. Early career artistic directors, programmers and curators working for various art organisations and festivals, as well as those working in a programme related department in a festival will leave the Atelier with extended programming skills, a broad new personal and professional network, and inspiration for new (collaboration) projects. To see the full list of the Atelier Valetta's participants click here.
You can also find testimonies from participants of previous editions of the Atelier here.
"At the Atelier you learn from experienced mentors, festival pioneers; you hear inspiring stories from young festival managers from around the world; and you broaden your network. But the unique thing is that you get to know more about yourself." Mohamed El Ghawy, Alumnus Atelier Edinburgh 2014