Each Atelier is a unique experience shaped by the location where each edition takes place and the festival that will co-host this programme. The 20th edition will be based in Nicosia, Cyprus during the Buffer Fringe Festival 2022.
Host and Partners

Buffer Fringe Festival
The Buffer Fringe Performing Arts Festival (BFPAF) is a space of encounter for artists and audiences, aiming to support local and international inter-disciplinary, fringe performance art. The 2019-21 edition was based on the theme of Displacement and engaged with preconceived ideas of the “other” through that lens. It also inaugurated new curatorial practices to better work with artists and communities across the island and internationally, through the challenging times of the pandemic, but also to continue to propose new narratives to the frozen conflict on the island. The Festival plans to further explore those practices in its 2022 edition.

Home for Cooperation
The Home for Cooperation is a unique community centre located in the heart of Nicosia. It is the embodiment of intercommunal cooperation, contributing to the collective efforts of civil society in their engagement with peacebuilding and intercultural dialogue. Using its sources, it encourages people to cooperate with each other beyond constraints and dividing lines.
The Home for Cooperation essentially aims to act as a bridge-builder between separated communities, memories, and visions. It provides working spaces and opportunities for Non-Governmental Organisations and individuals to design and implement innovative projects.
Today the Home has become a landmark building within the Ledra Palace crossing, UN buffer zone. It facilitates situations for people to get together and to get to know each other. The Home hosts an extensive variety of cultural, artistic and educational programs with the aim to foster creativity and intercultural trust in Cyprus and internationally.