Atelier Chiang Mai 2016
The Festival Academy's Atelier for Young Festival Managers in Chiang Mai, Thailand took place 1-7 December 2016 in collaboration with the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB). It gathered 35 participants from 20 countries and confirmed the success and necessity of providing training opportunities for early career professionals and to collaborate across continents.

High-level festival managers from across the globe
Under the coordination of Hugo De Greef, leading and experienced festival operators, professionals and artists from all over the world, guided the participants through the seven days. Mentors and presenters, pioneering festival managers, gave lectures, lead workshops and took part in round tables and debates – all of them have spent several days with the participants allowing face-to-face contacts and discussions.
The following festival directors participated in the Atelier Chiang Mai 2016:
- Robyn Archer, Artistic Director The Light in Winter Melbourne – Australia
- Mark Ball, Artistic Director London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT) – UK
- Hugo De Greef, General Coordinator The Festival Academy, former EFA Secretary General, General Manager Bruges European Capital of Culture 2002, Founder and former Director Kaaitheater - Belgium
- Bernard Faivre D’Arcier, President Lyon Biennial, Former longstanding Director Avignon Festival France
- Nele Hertling, Member Strategy Group “A Soul for Europe”, Former Vice-President of the Academy of Arts Berlin, Former Director Hebbel-Theater Berlin – Germany
- Seong Hee Kim, Independent Curator and Producer, Professor at the Kaywon Art University – South Korea
- Kee Hong Low, Head of Artistic Development (Theatre) West Kowloon Cultural District Hong Kong, former Director Singapore Arts Festival – Singapore
Find out more about the presenters here

More insights
- Inge Ceustermans, Managing Director The Festival Academy: Opening Ceremony Speech
- Nele Hertling`s Keynote Speech
- Inge Ceustermans, Managing Director The Festival Academy: Closing Ceremony Speech
- Virkein Dhar, Participant Atelier: Closing Ceremony Speech
- Mark Fischer, Participant Atelier: Closing Ceremony Speech
Atelier Chiang Mai 2016 online
- EFA blog Festival Bytes where Atelier participants shared some first-hand insights
- Facebook photo gallery
- Twitter: #AtelierCHIANGMAI